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SaaSquatch Blog

Your destination for articles, podcasts, ebooks and case studies referrals & rewards marketing.

Billion Dollar Companies Use Customer Referral Programs

Why do billion dollar companies use customer referral programs? The likes of Uber, Airbnb and Dropbox all do...because referrals help you grow!

What does $10,000 of ads get you?

Have you ever wondered how much it costs to advertise online? Like what does $10,000 in ads get you?.. We were wondering ourselves so we pulled the data.

Comparing payment systems in 2014

Picking a payment provider hasn't gotten any easier in 2014. So we're helping you out with our piece - Comparing payment systems in 2014.

11 Terms Everybody Ought To Know About Customer Referral Programs

We're back with another round-up of 11 terms everybody ought to know about customer referral programs. showing you the key differences between referral...

Leverage Data for Customer Success

Customer success teams look very human on the surface, behind the scenes they’re acting on a ton of data. Learn how to leverage data for customer success.

Learning from the best – 3 SaaS talks you should listen to

In this article we cover how to start learning from the best - 3 SaaS talks you should listen to. With topics on product success and distribution.

How to do less and make more sales

You've got to worry about marketing campaigns, talking to customers, making sales, managing product, and more... Learn how to do less and make more sales.

5 Steps To Engage Your Users and Boost Your WOM

Learn how to engage your users and boost your WOM with user experience design, on/off-site tools and referral programs.

How to Use Web Scraping to Understand Your Market

Learn how to use web scraping tools like Zillabyte to conduct market research. Includes an app to scrape for public facing javascript widgets.

3 Marketing Automation Tools For Subscription Businesses

Stefan Pretty, Co-Founder of Subbly, goes over 3 marketing automation tools you should use for subscription commerce according to Subbly customers.