Introducing SaaSquatch Growth Automation
Over the years we’ve been honoured with the opportunity to work with some of the world’s largest, most innovative and fastest growing digital companies. We’ve assisted in implementing customer referral programs in web apps, mobile apps and on e-commerce sites. Each group we’ve worked with has taught us something new and helped us improve incrementally.
However, in 2017 we were confronted with a problem that couldn’t be fixed through incremental improvements. This is the kind of problem that the big marketing firms and tech companies don’t want you to realize; customer marketing is broken.
The reality is that the vast majority of marketing tech was built for business-to-business sales efforts. They start by collecting leads, then send email after email and ultimately end when a salesperson closes the deal. The issue with this process is that it has almost no resemblance to how consumers and small business operators buy.
Once we discovered the problem, we kept talking, researching and digging to understand why customer marketing for consumers and small businesses has been so ignored.
We spoke to marketers and success teams from every continent (except antarctica). They shared that their executive teams needed them to do more than just generate leads and and improve NPS scores. They also wanted them to improve adoption rates, increase revenue per customer and win-back past customers. In short, they needed to positively affect every stage of the entire customer journey.
Unfortunately, the same marketers and success teams struggled with effectively implementing growth programs that positively impacted the customer journey and ultimately increased revenue. But It wasn’t because they didn’t know how. Navigating between multiple internal product teams, development, marketing and whatever other team needs to be involved is extremely hard. So much so that almost 70% of marketers say their biggest obstacle to launching quality growth programs is a lack of skill, technical and/or marketing people.
In an effort to avoid this complexity, marketing and customer support have been given control over the corporate website and emails but little to no interaction with the products they support. The issue now is that marketing and customer support for digital companies, web and mobile, is so closely integrated with product that it’s almost impossible to do one without the other.
With this data in hand the work began..
We decided it was time to make it possible for marketing and support teams to build growth programs without being delayed by their product team’s roadmap. We created an always expanding library filled with growth programs, even custom ones, that can be setup in minutes, not weeks. We made it easy to send more customer data to the platform so growth programs can encourage almost any customer behaviour.
With such a large product expansion it was also time to update Referral SaaSquatch’s name. As our focus is no longer exclusively on customer referral programs, we have removed “Referral” from our name and will now do business as SaaSquatch.
With all this change, rest assured we will still support and advance our referral product. SaaSquatch will continue to build customer referral programs, best in class fraud detection and prevention systems and provide a wide selection of reward types.
There are many more great advancements to come in 2018 and beyond, including innovations around ad-network integration, machine learning, and omni-channel growth program management.
I will personally be sure to keep you informed as we continue to advance the SaaSquatch platform, and welcome any and all of your feedback. Please feel free to contact me at
Click here to learn more about the SaaSquatch Growth Automation platform.
Will Fraser, CEO